Quilling Tabs

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Free Quilled Christmas Poinsettia

quilled christmas poinsettia
Here is a simple Quilled Christmas Poinsettia project. This is a classic that is perfect to add a string and make an ornament to hang on your tree!

Bottom Layer

  • 6 - 6 inch (15.2 cm) Red Marquise for petals
  • 2 - 6 inch (15.2 cm) Green Teardrop for leaves
  • Arrange 3 red petals then the green leaves and complete with the remaining 3 red petals

Top Layer

  • 5 - 6 inch (15.2 cm) Red Marquise for petals
  • 1 - 3 inch (7.6 cm) Yellow fringed flower
  • Place the fringed flower in the center and glue the red petals around the flower
***UPDATED July 2010:  I am updating this post to address a question I had from one of my blog readers who was having difficulty getting the bottom petals to line up, so I am adding this tip:  Since the top layer covers the bottom layer, you don't have to get the points of the bottom layer to meet exactly in the center.  This is especially true with this flower because the top has the fringed center.  This gives you some play with the actual petals and gives you room to arrange it so that it looks the way you want it.  You will then cover the "hole" with the top layer and no one will ever know.  I hope that this tip helps you, remember, you can use this on any layered flower and no one will ever know!

Have fun with this project. You can replace the red with White and create a white poinsettia, or mix the white and red together to make a nice hybrid.